9 Aralık 2011 Cuma

Long times later...

First of all , I should say something about my different life that is changed nearly about one month from me. Espicially want to say, I have not done anything such as studying lessons, experiental datas, going out, writing in blog something and thinking good things about my life. I understood the reality of life thanks to some people who are known for around me. In fact, everything I know which is about the reality of life is so ridiculous ;) but absolutely outside the academic career.

There is a thing that want to learn about me, indeed.  I wonder that 'The Wrong is from me or others?' Unfortunately, I also don't know anything answer this question. But know this , I know myself and distinguish with other people. This is enough for me ;)

Lastly want to say, I struggle to blog and share import things in this place after this. If you talk to me, I feel so near up to you espicially people in which need everything ;)

Life is Love =) I'm with you.
Thanks for calling and talking and sharing with me to my friends.
Everything will be fine.

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sen mi? , ben mi? , GEN mi ...

sen mi? , ben mi? , GEN mi ...
%1lik fark olsada... ne denebilir ki?

